Francis | RedMage
( h e / h i m )

Last updated - 04.04.24
© RedMageofVoid. All rights reserved.

24 | Australian | he/him
Freelance Artist & Animator
Before commissioning please read my T.O.SRequests: Closed
Trades: Closed
Commissions: OPEN
Hey my name is Francis but you can also reffer to me as my username, any of my sonas names or any of my kins.
I currently do casual graveyard shifts at Maccas, before that I did Hotel cleaning. To me, taking coms is more of a part time thing when I know i can take them on.
Current commission funds are going towards groceries, emergency pet costs and german lessons.Looking to move to Germany in 2024-2025 to finally be with my partner and get away from running into shitty people I've known, borderline dangerous family and my countries current economy. Another plus would be being forced to become bilingual.To help support me in this, keep an eye out for when I open commissions on my socials or donate to my Ko-fi.
It would mean the world.
Native: English
Beginer: German, Japanese & French

Last updated - 04.04.24
© RedMageofVoid. All rights reserved.